a priori/a posteriori

Friday, September 29, 2017

My Legacy as a Comedian

I always wanted to have a legacy. Now, I'm realizing we all have legacies. The focus needs to be on what it is.

The entire entertainment industry is misguided. I say this not as I whisper behind it's back, but as I stare at myself in the mirror.

I remain an active part of the entertainment industry. My level of success does not exclude me from knowing what it feels like to desire attention. 

That is the true currency of my industry: attention.  Attention is what distracts me from looking outside and noticing none of the water near my house looks clear. As I listen to a "free" podcast about betting on football, then watch games on Sunday with commercials for bottled water.

I don't have the focus or the mental stamina to connect all the dots. I do feel at times like I have been drugged by football.

If the CEO of Nestle was as outspoken as Donald Trump, I think now people would notice what that company is doing.

But for me to even mention the name of a person or a company is to give them power. For a person or a company to elicit hatred from me -- they are providing a form of entertainment.

My focus does not need to be on one man, or one CEO.

If I want to save the world, I have to realize that my own body is the only part of the world I can control. I am the Chief Executive, in a very real way, of my own mind. The Buck Stops Here.

It is not my choice, whether someone else products plastic bottles. It is 100 percent my choice, whether I use them.

To use a product is to give it my attention.

This planet existed before I "lived" in this form, and it will exist long after I "die."

My legacy will not be who paid attention to me. It will be who I gave my attention to.

Love, and I enjoyed riding the wave

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