a priori/a posteriori

Saturday, October 21, 2017

I am Having a Great Month

I'm giving myself 5 minutes to write this. 

Life has been busy, this month.  It's been stressful, probably.

I have fallen into a habit, as a writer.  I just journal.

It's lazy, I think.  Or maybe not lazy.  But...misguided? 

Journals can be valuable.  But part of me believes that the purpose of writing was to be able to communicate through space and time. 

We developed words, as a species, so that we could better communicate ideas.  And so we started speaking those ideas to each other.

But that was limiting the distance that an idea could travel -- the size of the ripple as it spread its wave outward.

So we slowly developed ways to make symbols "mean something"
I've been fascinated by that idea since I was a little kid.  Since I was a baby, probably.  I've quietly dreamt of being considered a "writer" and an "author"

Considered that by who?  I'm not sure.  When would I feel validated?  I'm not sure.

But my feelings are probably not the keys to the universe.  They are probably not why that first cave man (definitely was a woman)

dug rock into rock, and made our first mark.
So let's hope I move on soon

and start telling stories again

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