a priori/a posteriori

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Book 2, Chapter 1: Call It A Comeback

1.  First of all,

don't call it a "comeback."  I've been here for years.

But I haven't really been writing, these past few years.  So it may seem -- to you, the reader -- like it's a "comeback."

2.  Okay.  Fine.  Let's own it.

I'm coming back.

3.  I'm not really sure how I feel about this new "numbers system," I'm doing.  I'm writing more now, and I can almost feel myself evolving, as a writer.

I'm slowly getting more comfortable with writing.

And you want to know what's triggered it?

You want to know the secret to actually getting out of my own way , and just starting to WRITE?


Love Letters

5.  I know.  Crazy, right?

6.  But yes.  Love Letters.  All cursive-like, and everything.

Some hand-written.  Some forged in that fast-drying, most permanent of 2014 metals:  The Internet.

But all of them real.  Like, a real, genuine effort to communicate to my partner, who -- for the sake of limiting the paparazzi -- I refer to in the letters as

7.  Miss Butterfly Starfish

8.  And so, Miss Starfish (who is a real person, I remind you) has -- in some weird, poetic way -- brought me back to writing.  And yet somehow, I think I can return to it now, and actually

9.  Enjoy myself, along the way.


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