a priori/a posteriori

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

I'm Excited to Find Out How Scott Taylor Votes on This Health Care Bill

I've called multiple times and spoken with his office. 

I don't think this is a good bill for our country.  It appears it would help people who are wealthy, and make life more difficult for a majority of Americans.

I don't understand why that is so often the case, with new laws. 
Representative Taylor's staff has assured me that his top priority is supporting a bill that would do the most amount of good for the most Americans possible.

Their exact words are that he will only support a bill that "provides for those most in need."

I am excited for him to show courage this week, and oppose this health care bill.
I also appreciate his staff taking time out of their busy day to hear the concerns of one of the people he represents.

I know that's how it's "supposed to work."  But it doesn't always work that way.  And so it's a good sign, to me, that his people have been so responsive.

I'll keep calling this week. 

Laws are important to me.

My President has claimed he will be the "law and order" president.  That's fine with me, as long as those "laws" and "orders" are ones that help our nation's most vulnerable and most-deserving of opportunity and support.
So far, I have not seen that from my government.  But I am eligible to run for the House of Representatives.  I am eligible to run for the Senate.

I am an eligible voter. 

I have no excuse for why my government is not closer to the government I want.

I live in a democracy. 

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